I used to use DataProject in Windows 7 all the time. Now, a new computer with Windows 10 and when I try to start a new DataProject, I get an error.
It points me to DataEnv.log file, but this file is not created. At least not in the location stated in the error message. I did find this log file in completely other place: [tt]
Line 2: Class {C0E45035-5775-11D0-B388-00A0C9055D8E} of control DataEnvironment1 was not a loaded control class.
Line 0: The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\Template\Projects\DataEnv.Dsr could not be loaded.[/tt]
Any idea what I need to do to be able to create DataProject in VB6 on Windows 10 machine?
---- Andy
"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson

It points me to DataEnv.log file, but this file is not created. At least not in the location stated in the error message. I did find this log file in completely other place: [tt]
Line 2: Class {C0E45035-5775-11D0-B388-00A0C9055D8E} of control DataEnvironment1 was not a loaded control class.
Line 0: The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\Template\Projects\DataEnv.Dsr could not be loaded.[/tt]
Any idea what I need to do to be able to create DataProject in VB6 on Windows 10 machine?
---- Andy
"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson