Technical User
- Dec 31, 2001
- 1,016
When i try and open a popup using the code below, it redirects the opener page in IE and FF so i get [Object] or [object Window]. Basically, it sends the parent page to the href value.
I can't throw this in a function because I have to pass it into a Flash file that I wasn't the author of. Means I can't use onclick either.
Any hints?
I can't throw this in a function because I have to pass it into a Flash file that I wasn't the author of. Means I can't use onclick either.
Any hints?
<a href="'pop_tour.html','tour','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=yes,width=500,height=425,left=550, top=100,screenX=200,screenY=250');">Link</a>