I am using WinCE 6.0 with VS2005
We have fitted a new size screen to our board and set it up in the registry.
Angle = Angle % 360;
RegistryKey reg = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\System\GDI\Rotation", true);
reg.SetValue("Angle", Angle, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
int value = (int)reg.GetValue("Angle", 0);
In portrait mode everything seems to work correctly. But in landscape mode, when a combo box nears the edge of the screen instead of changing direction and scrolling upwards. They now scroll down and off the screen.
The application is a managed app, but I assume this is an OS platform builder issue.
The OS image I built by choosing a driver 480x272. When rotated the OS shell looks to be running correctly with the task bar at the bottom of the screen.