I just got done putting together an Athlon 600MHz system with 128MB RAM, 8.4GB UDMA33 HDD, 2x2x6 EIDE CD-RW, LS-120 ARMD floppy, etc. I got win98SE installed fine & working fine. Then I did a preload of all their drivers for other hardware, and went into My Computer>Properties to turn DMA of for the LS-120 and the CD-RW. When I rebooted it decided to wait at the splash screen for 20 minutes in the middle of the boot process, and has been doing so ever since.
What I've tried:
Basically, the only things I've tried so far are rebooting the system (no help), shutting down & cold booting the system (still no help), and going back through My Computer>Properties to turn off DMA...but when I got there, I found it already disabled on both drives that I had tried to enable it on.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. [sig]<p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= shared.freeservers.com/searchmaster.html>SearchMaster Interface...11-in-1</a><br>Wanting to learn Assembler; please e-mail me any tutorials or links for it that are useful to you [/sig]
I just got done putting together an Athlon 600MHz system with 128MB RAM, 8.4GB UDMA33 HDD, 2x2x6 EIDE CD-RW, LS-120 ARMD floppy, etc. I got win98SE installed fine & working fine. Then I did a preload of all their drivers for other hardware, and went into My Computer>Properties to turn DMA of for the LS-120 and the CD-RW. When I rebooted it decided to wait at the splash screen for 20 minutes in the middle of the boot process, and has been doing so ever since.
What I've tried:
Basically, the only things I've tried so far are rebooting the system (no help), shutting down & cold booting the system (still no help), and going back through My Computer>Properties to turn off DMA...but when I got there, I found it already disabled on both drives that I had tried to enable it on.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. [sig]<p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= shared.freeservers.com/searchmaster.html>SearchMaster Interface...11-in-1</a><br>Wanting to learn Assembler; please e-mail me any tutorials or links for it that are useful to you [/sig]