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Win98 P2p Networking problem.

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Nov 20, 2001
I have 3 machines setup 1 xp pro and 2 98se. I am having problems with one of the 98se machine. I can't browse the network nor can use the machines Windows Network machine name to find that computer. But, I can use machine names on that machine to find and browse the other machines. and If I use that machines IP address I can browse to it.

An example of communication from 98se Machine 1 with the problems. Communicating to 98se or XP Pro without problems.

Problem Machine.

Try Browsing Network by clicking on Neighborhood, I get Msg that Network is not available.

Go to run command and type in \\98semachinewithnoprobname and it is found I can then map drives and put up shortcuts to machine.

win98se or XP pro NonProblem machines.

Network Neighborhood works fine. I Browse to workgroup that all belong to and only the nonproblem machines show up.
Go to run command and try \\machinenamewithnoprob and I get to it. I then try \\machinenamewithprob and I can't get to it. I then try the IP address \\ of machine with prob and I can get to it and mapa and setup shortcuts by IP address.

So I think I am having a problem on that machine with WINS resolution but where?

I need To use the machinename for a program I am running. It can't be the IP address.

I have both 98 machines setup Identical, both bound to samething. The difference though is the good machine is into a switch the bad machine is going through a wireless setup from Netgear.

Thank You for any suggestions.

installing netbeui protocol should fix. if not, uninstall microsoft client for networks, then reinstall.
I did load Netbeui on the affected machine and I could then brows the network but since I didn't have NetBeui loaded on the other machines I saw only the local Machine. I know that Netbeui is an option but a last resort one. For one it is unbridgable. It has lots of overhead and last microsoft in the Windows XP has made it an install that you have to do from CD. It has become an unsoupported protocol that has been provided on CD in order to help in a migrate path away from it.

I could use a workaround but am more interested why two machines set up Identical except for the wireless thing one is having the problem that I am having. I'd rather fix than work around. Am going to play with LMHOST tonight. also am going to rebuild TCP/IP stack and microsoft networking.

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