Hi my brother has Win98, P3 860Mh 256SDRAM etc.. After installing a copy of Office 2000, the installation needed various files to "retry" in order to install them, it then said restart and so we did, as desktop came up, it done some installation/configure stuff and said that some file could not install. We went on without office being installed and had to shut down the PC, on next boot, we had to scandisc and it had a bad cluster, as it got too desktop it went to a DOs screen with a "_" flashing and nothing could be done (not even CTrl-Alt-Del) so we rebooted again and gave us the option for safemode, we did and it got to desktop background and nothing else (no start menu or icons) we pressed the 'window' key (next to Ctrl) andit said kernel preformed ilegall op and will terminate. we then decided to reeboot (on task manager no programmes had loaded). now we are stuck with out a PC (there are files we can not delete on that pc) we have another, is there a way to help, plz plz plz plz