I am studying for Win2k pro 70-210 and Win 2k Server 70-215. I have an IPAQ Pocket PC. Does anyone know of a source of flash cards or practice questions for IPAQ pda.
If there were free ones that would be much better!!!!!!
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the Windows 2000 books from Microsoft Press have the entire book on CD, as they do for Windows Server 2003.
If this is the case, and you have the books, or if you have some other books that have review questions on CD, you'll be able to make the flash cards yourself and upload them to your PDA.
I think the Sybex books have PDA-compatible e-books on the companion CD's as well.
both trancender and selftest software offer flash cards. i have used them a few times and found that they were quite helpful. as for uploading them to a pda ?? you would normally install the exe on a pc.
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