Here is the problem.... I have a 2K Pro box configured with dual NIC's not 2K server. The first NIC is tasked with playing in the internal network. The typical 192.168.0.x with a subnet of while the other NIC is tasked with living in a normal network with full access to the net with an address scheme as follows:
196.162.0.x and Subnet of
The 192.168.0.x network is NOT allowed access to the web however there is an IIS server residing on the machine which the 192.168.0.x folks can get to and use for simple searching of the web. The 196.162.0.x network has complete access to the web and I want my IIS server to be able to get outside using the various ASP scripts.
There is the requirements... How do I set this up as presently the IIS server hosted ASP scripts can not get access to the internet.
The implementation is essentially a class room lab that I do not want the lab machines to have access to the internet except through strictly controlled ASP pages residing on the IIS server. Students surf instead of work on the labs. They are Highschool kids You know where they end up going!!
Any pointers and or links would be appreciated!!
Ken Crismon
196.162.0.x and Subnet of
The 192.168.0.x network is NOT allowed access to the web however there is an IIS server residing on the machine which the 192.168.0.x folks can get to and use for simple searching of the web. The 196.162.0.x network has complete access to the web and I want my IIS server to be able to get outside using the various ASP scripts.
There is the requirements... How do I set this up as presently the IIS server hosted ASP scripts can not get access to the internet.
The implementation is essentially a class room lab that I do not want the lab machines to have access to the internet except through strictly controlled ASP pages residing on the IIS server. Students surf instead of work on the labs. They are Highschool kids You know where they end up going!!
Any pointers and or links would be appreciated!!
Ken Crismon