Have been browsing here for what seems like hours(has actully bee 2 days) looking for my problem. No luck. Lots of similar probs. I am on a network of four computers 3 Win 98 one NT4 and all work fine. Problem is my laptop. WinXP Home. I can usually get on our network with no problem as I have all the IPs and DNS servers the Admin gave me. I was checking some accounts on the net and then got off for a while then couldn't get back on. Can ping IPs but time out pinging servers. Used repair connection to force configuration and manually entered forced numbers. Forced numbers were different then the one the Admin gave me (which have been working for about 6 months). I connect through linksys router and Dlink dwl-650+ card. I recently recieved message of downloader.trojan and ran nortons. Did not find anything so I ran spybot and ad aware did not find anything. Reformatted computer and set network back up with original settings and worked great dor about an hour or so the the same problem. What's up? No hurry the laptop is a convienence not neccessity but any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Hope there's enough info. By the way I can connect to ethernet and configure and works great. Thanks again.