I have a small web farm that I have had alive for the last ten years. I am running my own DNS server on an old nt 4.0 server. I manage all my web applications and rout internet access through the primary dns server. Now the server hangs every ten or so hours and stops resolving dns, requiring a reboot to kick start it resolving again.
I have a remote location with a Microsoft 2003 sbs server running. I am trying to create a secondary dns. I have the server name listed with Network solutions and the ip address pointed to the correct server. Ping by server name is successful.
I am new to 2003 dns so here is where I need help. On my lan my workstations all use primary dns setting ip address of my failing primary dns server.
After setting up the secondary server and replacing the tcp/ip primary dns address with the new secondary dns address, as a test to verify, I can see web sites hosted on my local servers fine, however I can not resolve external url’s on the internet.
Can anyone tell me the settings I am missing in the 2003 dns server to get me resolving url’s on the internet? I want to take the dying nt 4.0 box offline.
I have a remote location with a Microsoft 2003 sbs server running. I am trying to create a secondary dns. I have the server name listed with Network solutions and the ip address pointed to the correct server. Ping by server name is successful.
I am new to 2003 dns so here is where I need help. On my lan my workstations all use primary dns setting ip address of my failing primary dns server.
After setting up the secondary server and replacing the tcp/ip primary dns address with the new secondary dns address, as a test to verify, I can see web sites hosted on my local servers fine, however I can not resolve external url’s on the internet.
Can anyone tell me the settings I am missing in the 2003 dns server to get me resolving url’s on the internet? I want to take the dying nt 4.0 box offline.