One of my Windows 2000 servers was briefly upgraded to 2003 for a few days and then put back to 2000 once it was realised they couldn't get all the software working on 2003.
Now that it's back on 2000, I still have `Shadow Copy Components` rather than `System State` listed under the restore resources for that machine, even for backups taken when the machine was running Windows 2000. Unsuprisingly, it won't restore the `Shadow Copy Components` to the Windows 2000 system.
Can anybody clue me in on what's going on here?
Now that it's back on 2000, I still have `Shadow Copy Components` rather than `System State` listed under the restore resources for that machine, even for backups taken when the machine was running Windows 2000. Unsuprisingly, it won't restore the `Shadow Copy Components` to the Windows 2000 system.
Can anybody clue me in on what's going on here?