If lcTempWord equals "6" (char 6) when hitting the code block below, what could cause "Val(lcTempWord)" to return as numeric 0 instead of numeric 6?
After the debugger runs through the code block below the debugger states the following:
lcTempWord has a value of "6", type=C
Val(lcTempWord) has a value of 0, type=N
Val(lcTempWord) > 2 has a value of .F., type=L
code block...
If Val(lcTempWord) > 0
VFP9sp2 on win7-32
If lcTempWord equals "6" (char 6) when hitting the code block below, what could cause "Val(lcTempWord)" to return as numeric 0 instead of numeric 6?
After the debugger runs through the code block below the debugger states the following:
lcTempWord has a value of "6", type=C
Val(lcTempWord) has a value of 0, type=N
Val(lcTempWord) > 2 has a value of .F., type=L
code block...
If Val(lcTempWord) > 0
llMatchFound = .T.
EndifVFP9sp2 on win7-32