I have a moderately large and involved script which has suddenly and inexplicably decided to do absolutely nothing. I run it and it just hangs. I am running it over an SSH connection to a server. When I run it I find that I can actually type stuff
on the screen ( when it is not designed to take any input at all) and that CTRL C will stop it.
Putting as the first executable line a simple print statement produces nothing.
However cutting out the first few lines and pasting themto a new program gives a program that runs perfectly.
What on earth is causing this. Here are the lines that work.
print "hello";
open( IN, "datas2.txt" ) || die "cannot open for reading: $!";
$pcount = 0;
print "##################################################################################################";
on the screen ( when it is not designed to take any input at all) and that CTRL C will stop it.
Putting as the first executable line a simple print statement produces nothing.
However cutting out the first few lines and pasting themto a new program gives a program that runs perfectly.
What on earth is causing this. Here are the lines that work.
print "hello";
open( IN, "datas2.txt" ) || die "cannot open for reading: $!";
$pcount = 0;
print "##################################################################################################";