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Wierd database script.

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Jun 17, 2003
I am having a problem with my VBscript while interacting with an SQL database.

I have created two classes in vbs, one which is basically a wrapper for all of the database objects and the other an object that outputs HTML code to a web browser.

When I make a query to the database, I do it with a function of the database class, here is the function (within the class):

class database

private conn
private rs
private sql


private sub class_initialize()
set conn = server.createObject("ADODB.Connection")

conn.ConnectionTimeout = 30
conn.CommandTimeout = 30

conn.open Application ("WebConn")
end sub

private sub class_terminate()
end sub

public function setString(str)
sql = str
end function

public function execQuery()
set execQuery = conn.execute(sql)
end function
end class

I use the object in my main like this:
dim rs
dim db

set db = new database

db.setString("SELECT * FROM hyperlink " _
+ "WHERE hyperlinkID=" & linkID)

set rs = db.execQuery()

when I try to access the records in the record set, here is what I do:

response.write ("SOURCE: " + rs(3) + "<br>")
response.write ("DESCRIPTION: " + rs(2) + "<br>")

which ever attribute I try first (either index 2 or 3) only the first of the two print, so either the SOURCE or the DESCRIPTION, but never both at the same time, I have to comment the first out to print the second, so if I were to switch the indexes above, the DESCRIPTION would print, and the SOURCE would not, but when I comment out the DESCRIPTION when the index is switched to 2,3, the SOURCE will print.

What have I done incorrectly??

Then, when I pass the rs into a sub routine of the webpage object for the "real" output to the browser, I can never print the description, no matter what. This leads me to believe that I have some type of casting problem, but again, I am unsure.

I do the passing like this:

dim page
page = new webpage

page.modifyLinkForm rs

here is the function:

public sub modifyLinkForm(rs)
dim title
dim link
dim source
dim description

title = rs(1)
link = rs(4)
source = rs(3)
description = rs(2)

'response.write("TITLE: " + title + "<br>")
'response.write("LINK: " + link + "<br>")
'response.write("SOURCE: " + source + "<br>")
'response.write("DESCRIPTION: " + description + "<br>")
end sub

what have I done wrong???

I am having a problem seeing where you are having an issue..

If it is a casting issue as you suspect you could try repacing the + with a & when you concatinate the debug statement,

e.g. response.write ("SOURCE: " & rs(3) & "<br>")
response.write ("DESCRIPTION: " & rs(2) & "<br>")

The + will interpert a number as such and tell you you can't perform addition it to a string or just fail.

however what is wierd is that if you

response.write ("SOURCE: " + rs(3) + "<br>")
response.write ("DESCRIPTION: " + rs(2) + "<br>")

You would see SOURCE:XXXXXX

but if you jsut do
response.write ("DESCRIPTION: " + rs(2) + "<br>")

you would see DESCRIPTION: XXXXX

is that correct?

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