I set the width of the cells in my table to a fixed width. For some reason it's only applied to the first row and not to the next rows. Can anybody tell me why that is?
// de table beginnen
echo '
<A HREF = logout.php>Log out</A>
<td width="130">Datum</td>
<td width="180">Thuis</td>
<td width="180">Uit</td>
<td width="300">Aanwezig</td>';
//rij maken zodat je gegevens kan gebruiken
while($rij = mysql_fetch_assoc($uitvoeren1)){
//Echo(laat zien simpel form)
array_map('htmlspecialchars', $rij);
echo '
<form action="aanwezig.php" method="POST">
<td width="130">'.$rij['datum'].'</td>
<td width="180">'.$rij['thuis'].'</td>
<td width="180">'.$rij['uit'].'</td>
<td width="300"><input type="radio" name="aanwezig" value="aanwezig" />Aanwezig
<input type="radio" name="aanwezig" value="afwezig"/>Afwezig
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Verstuur" /></td>';
// en tenslotte de boel afsluiten
echo '
Window to my world
// de table beginnen
echo '
<A HREF = logout.php>Log out</A>
<td width="130">Datum</td>
<td width="180">Thuis</td>
<td width="180">Uit</td>
<td width="300">Aanwezig</td>';
//rij maken zodat je gegevens kan gebruiken
while($rij = mysql_fetch_assoc($uitvoeren1)){
//Echo(laat zien simpel form)
array_map('htmlspecialchars', $rij);
echo '
<form action="aanwezig.php" method="POST">
<td width="130">'.$rij['datum'].'</td>
<td width="180">'.$rij['thuis'].'</td>
<td width="180">'.$rij['uit'].'</td>
<td width="300"><input type="radio" name="aanwezig" value="aanwezig" />Aanwezig
<input type="radio" name="aanwezig" value="afwezig"/>Afwezig
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Verstuur" /></td>';
// en tenslotte de boel afsluiten
echo '
Murphy's Law said:Anything that can go wrong will go wrong
Window to my world