The Help.html in my Delphi 6 Enterprise system is Shelled from the EventHandler
of a TBitBtn as follows
procedure TfrmGroc.btbtnHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
ShellExecute(hInstance, 'OPEN', PChar(Application.HelpFile), nil, nil, sw_Normal);
This works fine on the Development System but when deployed won't respond on the TargetSystem.
I might mention that the Helpfile has been succesfully deployed and a short-cut can be
created from it in the TargetSystem. And Help.html accessed that way on the TargetSystem works perfectly.
Can someone please throw some light on this?
of a TBitBtn as follows
procedure TfrmGroc.btbtnHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
ShellExecute(hInstance, 'OPEN', PChar(Application.HelpFile), nil, nil, sw_Normal);
This works fine on the Development System but when deployed won't respond on the TargetSystem.
I might mention that the Helpfile has been succesfully deployed and a short-cut can be
created from it in the TargetSystem. And Help.html accessed that way on the TargetSystem works perfectly.
Can someone please throw some light on this?