SELECT YrMnth, S_PWE As PWE, S_PW As PW, S_PDW As PDW, S_FE As FE, S_TPF As TPF, S_Fab As Fab, S_FI As FI, S_PM As PM, S_Svc As Svc,S_ProSvc As SubC FROM tblLaborPriceAsgnByJobProduct Where (((JobID) = "ROTHM01")) ORDER BY YrMnth;
SELECT YrMnth, SaleSum As Sales, PriceSum As Asgn_Price, PmtRcvdSum As Receipts FROM tblSpendCurve Where (((JobID) = "ROTHM01")) Order BY YrMnth;
The first, when used as the source for a MS Chart provides legends in the form of "Line 1", "Line 2", ... "Line 10", properly reflecting the ten 'categories' of data but totally MISSING the fact of the column headings / names.
The second (albeit only three categories of data) properly generates the three seperate lines AND uses the column headings / names as the legend. I have made several to numerous attempts to lie, cheat, steal and otherwise confuse the simplistic little form, the controls there upon and other conniving strategem to make it work ... alas I'm, NOT smart enough!