Greetings good people of the AccPac forum.
I have written a macro that imports invoices into AccPac. It works perfectly on the development machine. When my client tries to run it, he gets the following error:
Order Detail Attempt to change read-only field 'Pricing Unit Price'
The error occurs when I try to set the PRIUNTPRC field in OE0500. Here is a snippet of my code:
The error occurs on line 790.
What might be different in his AccPac environment that makes this field read-only?
My version:
ACCPAC Advantage Series Enterprise Edition (Version 5.3A Service Pack 3)
I have written a macro that imports invoices into AccPac. It works perfectly on the development machine. When my client tries to run it, he gets the following error:
Order Detail Attempt to change read-only field 'Pricing Unit Price'
The error occurs when I try to set the PRIUNTPRC field in OE0500. Here is a snippet of my code:
'Loop through invoice details
750 For Each objDetail In objInvoice.Details
760 vwDetails.RecordGenerate False
770 vwDetailsFields("ITEM").Value = objDetail.Item ' Item
780 vwDetailsFields("QTYORDERED").Value = objDetail.QtyOrdered ' Quantity Ordered
[COLOR=red]790 vwDetailsFields("PRIUNTPRC").Value = objDetail.UnitPrice[/color]
'Only override the item description if one was provided in the XML
800 If Len(objDetail.Description) > 0 Then
810 vwDetailsFields("DESC").Value = objDetail.Description
820 End If
830 vwDetails.Insert
840 Next
The error occurs on line 790.
What might be different in his AccPac environment that makes this field read-only?
My version:
ACCPAC Advantage Series Enterprise Edition (Version 5.3A Service Pack 3)