In the viewdesigner I created:
this view looks OK.
I can run it from viewdesigner as well as projectmanager.
As I put this view as rowsource in a listbox the box remains empty.
The problem seems to be caused by table 22.
Here table22 is having 2 fields : I as ID, C(10)as Naam.
Table22 is just for trying as the original which should be used in left-outer join is some more complex table.
If I remove that one from the view than all remaining is shown in listbox.
I can't see why.
Any suggestions?
In the viewdesigner I created:
SELECT ALLTRIM(STR(Tfinancieel.nantwform)) AS antwform,;
Tfinancieel.dantwdat, Tfinancieel.nbedrag,;
IIF(Tfinancieel.lag,"Ja ","Nee") AS ag, "nog maken",;
combineer(Tgraven.cvak,Tgraven.crij,Tgraven.cnummer,IIF(glgraffinentiteit,"*",ALLTRIM(STR(nlaag)))) AS graflokatie,;
Tfinancieel.copmerk, Tfinancieel.nfin_id, Table22.naam;
db_kerkhof!tfinancieel ;
LEFT OUTER JOIN db_kerkhof!tgraven ;
ON Tfinancieel.ngraf_id = Tgraven.ngraf_id ;
LEFT OUTER JOIN db_kerkhof!table22 ;
ON Tfinancieel.nbedragsrt = Table22.id;
WHERE Tfinancieel.ncont_id = ( ?lnCont_ID );
AND Tfinancieel.nstatus = ( 1 )
this view looks OK.
I can run it from viewdesigner as well as projectmanager.
As I put this view as rowsource in a listbox the box remains empty.
The problem seems to be caused by table 22.
Here table22 is having 2 fields : I as ID, C(10)as Naam.
Table22 is just for trying as the original which should be used in left-outer join is some more complex table.
If I remove that one from the view than all remaining is shown in listbox.
I can't see why.
Any suggestions?