I want to Pass parameters into crystal report from VB6.
But whatever I try, it don't work Fine,
always Show the message "This field name is not known".
Crystal Report::
Parameter: a.@cmpy;
a. If {?@cmpy} in ["USA","usa"] then
"This is test 1 sentences"
else if {?@cmpy} in ["TWD","twd"] then
"This is test 2 sentences"
b. if trim({?@p1})="1" then "This is test 3 sentences"
Public oApp As New CRAXDDRT.Application
Public oRpt As CRAXDDRT.Report
oRpt.ParameterFields(1).AddCurrentValue ("TWD")
oRpt.ParameterFields(2).AddCurrentValue ("1")
I had trid to use "IsCurrentValueSet" function to check whether parameter was set or not, and It responsed "Ture",so I so confused about it.
Anyone know about this??
ps. I had trid other way that change the formula indirectly, although it can work fine, but it isn't a right way to solve my problem.