So when I run this I get the "the remaining text doesn't appear to be part of this formula" error.
What I want to do is output text for a bunch of procedure codes, that's the HOSP part, but if it is HOSP I want to dump the billed amount into a global variable to report on it at the end.
What I want to do is output text for a bunch of procedure codes, that's the HOSP part, but if it is HOSP I want to dump the billed amount into a global variable to report on it at the end.
Shared NumberVar TotalHOSP;
Local StringVar PLOC;
IF IsNull({Abha7105_93005.MceDtl_ProcedureCode}) Then
TotalHOSP := TotalHOSP + {Abha7105_93005.MceDtl_BilledAmt}
ELSE If ({Abha7105_93005.MceDtl_ProcedureCode} = "99000" to "99999") Then