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Why does XP SP2 think my webform is a pop-up? Is it bcos toolbar=no?

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Oct 15, 2004
I open another window (webform) from my main window. I suppress the toolbar and menubars for this second window. However my XP users seem to have problem .. thinking it is a pop-up window? Why? Is it because I suppress the tool-bar and menubar. It is still a webform ... not a pop-up!!!! Or am I wrong?

The form looks better with the toolbar and menu bars suppresed so I's rather have it like that... Is there a way for me to get around this without having to inform all XP users to enable pop-up blockers?

Here is how I open the second form using server-side code ...

Dim strClientCall As String
strClientCall = "<script language=javascript> "
strClientCall &= " window.open(" & "'webfrmMy.aspx?z=0" & "','frmMy','toolbar=no,menubar=no,left=225,width=490,height=625'" & ")"
strClientCall &= "</script>"

It is a pop-up because the user didn't request it to be opened - it was your web form that told it to open by using window.open and therefore it is a pop-up.


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It is generally considered rude to open a window without a user explicit request.

Try forum1391 for lively discussions
Hmmm .... I had a command button on the main form ... and when the user clicked the coomand button (cmdAdd) .. the code was executed ... here is the full code for the click event ..... I could not use Response.Write("webfrmMy.aspx") bcos it will then replace my main form instead of opening another window ... is there another way to open the second form with the toolbar and menu bar suppressed when the user clicks the cmdAdd button, so that it is not a pop-up?

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAddPolicy.Click
Dim strClientCall As String
strClientCall = "<script language=javascript> "
strClientCall &= "var winAdd= window.open(" & "'webfrmMy.aspx?z=0" & "','frmMy','toolbar=no,menubar=no,left=225,width=490,height=625'" & ")"
strClientCall &= "winAdd.focus();"
strClientCall &= "</script>"


End Sub
what if you put this on the onclick event client side? not sure if it'd still think it's a popup...

on page load
Dim strClientCall As String
strClientCall = "window.open('webfrmMy.aspx?z=0" & "','frmMy','toolbar=no,menubar=no,left=225,width=490,height=625'" & "); winAdd.focus();"
i'll try it and let you know ... sounds like worth trying
Now I'm having trouble getting the second window to open. I'm still trying all forms of the syntax assuming that is the problem!!!
What's wrong with the code that checkai provided? It works without any modifications.


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Outside from aggressive pop-up blocking, the above JavaScript should work fine. How exactly is it behaving for you?

If you could get the desired interface with an anchor tag, you could easily use its target="_blank" attribute for a similar effect.


I work for a gift card company!
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