<br>Hello.<br><br>I've made this script that I wanted to generate a pop-up window, on a page where a lot of pop-ups are needed.<br>I wanted to try this solution, instead of making a HTML-page for every popup window.<br><br>Here's the script (I describe my problem below): <br><br>--------------<br><br><HTML><br><HEAD><br><TITLE></TITLE><br><br><script language="javascript"><br>function openpop() {<br><br>var contents = '<html><head><title>hello!</title></head><body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff">Hello!</body></html>';<br><br>var popupwindow = window.open('','popupwindow','width=200','height=200');<br> <br>popupwindow.document.write(contents);<br><br>}<br></script><br></HEAD><br><BODY onload="openpop()"><br></BODY><br></HTML><br><br>------------<br><br>My problem is that I can't control the width and height of the window properbly. It seems like I can only set one of the size factors, so that if I set width to 200, my height setting is totaly ignored, and vice versa.<br><br>I hope you can help me out,<br><br>Tim.<br>