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Why does this happen? 1

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Technical User
Mar 24, 2006
I've just finished putting together a Frame relay scenario on my routers & then decided to add the ethernet of my 1760 to the internet, which worked fine.

My query is, why did the Seial links drop once I sucessfly had a IP assigned to the ethernet port, from the SP.

Please in mind that I have no protocols set up on the router(s) yet, so from a basic perspective, the Ethernet port should have its own IP & the same with the serial ports, with no complications?


*Mar 1 00:07:58.571: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to up
*Mar 1 00:08:09.571: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to up

Testpod2#sh ip int brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
BRI0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0:1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
FastEthernet0 unassigned YES NVRAM up down
Serial0 YES NVRAM up up
Serial0.21 unassigned YES unset up up

*Mar 1 00:08:38.651: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0, changed state to up
*Mar 1 00:08:39.571: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to down
*Mar 1 00:08:48.519: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface FastEthernet0 assigned DHCP address, mask, host name Testpod2

sh ip int brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
BRI0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0:1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
FastEthernet0 unassigned YES DHCP administratively down down
Serial0 YES NVRAM up down
Serial0.21 unassigned YES unset down down

*Mar 1 00:09:20.411: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0, changed state to administratively down
*Mar 1 00:09:21.411: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0, changed state to down
*Mar 1 00:09:23.423: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0, changed state to up
*Mar 1 00:09:27.115: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0, changed state to up
*Mar 1 00:09:31.727: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface FastEthernet0 assigned DHCP address, mask, host name Testpod2

Testpod2#sh ip int fa0

FastEthernet0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
Broadcast address is
Address determined by DHCP
MTU is 1500 bytes
Helper address is not set
Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
Outgoing access list is not set
Inbound access list is not set
Proxy ARP is enabled
Local Proxy ARP is disabled
Security level is default
Split horizon is enabled
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are always sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
IP fast switching is enabled
IP fast switching on the same interface is disabled
IP Flow switching is disabled
IP CEF switching is enabled
IP CEF Fast switching turbo vector
IP multicast fast switching is enabled
IP multicast distributed fast switching is disabled
IP route-cache flags are Fast, CEF
Router Discovery is disabled
IP output packet accounting is disabled
IP access violation accounting is disabled
TCP/IP header compression is disabled
RTP/IP header compression is disabled
Policy routing is disabled
Network address translation is disabled
WCCP Redirect outbound is disabled
WCCP Redirect inbound is disabled
WCCP Redirect exclude is disabled
BGP Policy Mapping is disabled

Testpod2#sh ip int brief

Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
BRI0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0:1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
FastEthernet0 YES DHCP up up
Serial0 YES NVRAM up down
Serial0.21 unassigned YES unset down down
Testpod2#sh ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
BRI0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0:1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
FastEthernet0 YES DHCP up up
Serial0 YES NVRAM up down
Serial0.21 unassigned YES unset down down


Sounds like the way it is set up for frame relay switching, once an ip address is set on a port that does not participate in the frame relay switching, it must take over as the protocol for the router. The back to back scenario you have set up may not allow this. Have you tried with an actual frame relay switch? Also, does this happen on the other router? Post a sh run on the router that it does this to, and sh ip int bri

Not configured a frame relay switch yet, but I will. Need to get my hands on a old 2500, which is currently on the other side of the country.

Will forward config details in a mo'
Here you go...(Would Point to Point cause this same issue to??)

**** Please note that I've currently disconnected Testpod 2 & remove the connection to the internet, so that I can talk to you****

Testpod2#sh ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
BRI0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0:1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
FastEthernet0 unassigned YES NVRAM up down
Serial0 YES NVRAM down down
Serial0.21 unassigned YES unset down down

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2854 bytes
version 12.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Testpod2
enable secret 5 $1$a96q$jhnISk10PiSgcC2pe3j9g.
enable password notused
mmi polling-interval 60
no mmi auto-configure
no mmi pvc
mmi snmp-timeout 180
no aaa new-model
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
ip audit po max-events 100
no ftp-server write-enable
username netadmin privilege 15 password 0 netadmin
interface BRI0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0
ip address dhcp
speed auto
interface Serial0
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
clockrate 128000
frame-relay map ip 220 broadcast
no frame-relay inverse-arp
interface Serial0.21 point-to-point
ip classless
no ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
banner login ^C
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
|| .::::. ||
|| .::::::::. ||
|| ::::::::::: ||
|| ':::::::::::.. ||
|| :::::::::::::::' ||
|| ':::::::::::. ||
|| .::::::::::::::' ||
|| .:::::::::::... ||
|| ::::::::::::::'' ||
|| .:::. '::::::::'':::: ||
|| .::::::::. ':::::' ':::: ||
|| .::::':::::::. ::::: '::::. ||
|| .:::::' ':::::::::. ::::: ':::. ||
|| .:::::' ':::::::::.::::: '::. ||
|| .::::'' ':::::::::::::: '::. ||
|| .::'' ':::::::::::: :::... ||
|| ..:::: ':::::::::' .:' '''' ||
|| ..''''':' ':::::.' ||
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password router
login local
transport input telnet ssh


Looks like all interfaces go down, and fa0 is the only one not admin down. I thought you said you gave it an ip address---but it's dhcp? Also, what is the reasoning behind the subinterface for s0? You never said whether this happens on the other router. Did you have frame-relay switching configured on this router? Didn't you also have frame-relay intf-type dce/dte configured as well?


I must chime in and tell you I love that banner. Please do not take offense if I copy it and use it for my home router. :)

Any state, any entity, any ideology
that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man;
that state is obsolete.

Rod Serling, 1961

Thanks Burt for all your help so far.

Anyway here are the details as per request.
But before you ponder through it I'll answer a few of your questions.

The configs below are the status the routers are in now,

Testpod2 - DTE

Testpod1 - DCE

The reason why Testpod2 has a sub interface, I was considering doing P2P,
until crashed at the hurdle of Frame Relay, so I've left it there for the
next experiment.

Do you reckon that the DHCP should be configured on the DCE?

As strange enough, the Frame Relay experiment works no more, since involving
DHCP from the internet?

At the very bottom of this post, I've pasted in some debug details,
which I'm not really sure what they mean, only that DTE is down & I've
tried bouncing the ports already. Weird or misconfig on my behalf??

Testpod2#sh ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
BRI0 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
BRI0:1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
BRI0:2 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
FastEthernet0 YES DHCP up up
Serial0 YES NVRAM up down
Serial0.21 unassigned YES unset down down


Config as per earlier post


testpod1#sh ip int br
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Ethernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up
Serial0/0 YES NVRAM up down


Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2881 bytes
version 12.1
no service single-slot-reload-enable
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
service password-encryption
hostname testpod1
enable secret 5 $1$FWrG$PYVeCnd4oTVKsvQMr27vp0
enable password 7 151C041811392E20
username netadmin password 7 000A1612055F060F01
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
interface Serial0/0
description Interface to Testpod2
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay map ip 220 broadcast
no frame-relay inverse-arp
router rip
version 2
ip classless
no ip http server
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
dialer-list 1 protocol ipx permit
banner login ^C

,_ .--.
_)\ / ;--. .--. _,
. ' . _.-' | .' \ .--; \ /(_
-= * =- (.-, / / | / '. | '-._ . ' .
' .\' ). `))/ .' _/\ / | \ \ ,-.) -= * =-
\_ \_ /( / \ /( \ /\_ '. \((` .( '/. '
/_\ .--' `-. // \ )\ / \ )\ _/ _/
||\/ , '._// | / \\ .-' '--. /_\
||/ /`(_ (_,;`-._/ / | \\_.' , \/||
\_.' ) /`\ .' \ \_.-';,_) _)'\ \||
.' . | ;. /` '. /`\ ( '._/
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_.` `.-;`/ `-._ '. _
/_.-'` / / \`;-.` `._
| / \ \ `'-._\
( / \ |
/_/ \ )


Access to this device is restricted to auhorized persons only!!

If your name is not on the list you ain't coming in!!

line con 0
exec-timeout 60 0
password 7 01100F175804
logging synchronous
history size 100
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 60 0
password 7 010109114F0E14
logging synchronous
history size 100


EXTRA: DEBUG details

estpod1#debug frame lmi
Frame Relay LMI debugging is on
Displaying all Frame Relay LMI data
00:43:27: RT IE 1, length 1, type 0
00:43:27: KA IE 3, length 2, yourseq 2 , myseq 0
00:43:27: Serial0/0(in): Unexpected StEnq
00:43:27: Serial0/0(out): StEnq, myseq 4, yourseen 0, DTE down
00:43:27: datagramstart = 0x2701394, datagramsize = 13
00:43:27: FR encap = 0xFCF10309
00:43:27: 00 75 01 01 00 03 02 04 00
00:43:37: RT IE 1, length 1, type 0
00:43:37: KA IE 3, length 2, yourseq 3 , myseq 0
00:43:37: Serial0/0(in): Unexpected StEnq
00:43:37: Serial0/0(out): StEnq, myseq 5, yourseen 0, DTE down
00:43:37: datagramstart = 0x2701B14, datagramsize = 13
00:43:37: FR encap = 0xFCF10309
00:43:37: 00 75 01 01 00 03 02 05 00

No worries..you may like this;

Hang on, bro---just had back surgery a few weeks back, been busy with the pain...lol

I will lab both scenarios and troubleshoot, and tell you what I find. Both meaning with and without a frame switch. I'll get back to you.

Still have done nothing yet, sorry...kids...wife sick...HELP!
Anyway, I did think of something...post a sh ip route, before and after the ethernet interface is up (no shut). What I am thinking is that when you have a serial interface and a hardware interface that is faster, when the faster interface comes up, the other goes down, if they are directly connected routes, especially with RIP enabled. For example---both frame routers---one network for frame relay, one for the ethernet interfaces. Each ethernet interface network, or subnet, is directly connected to its own router's serial interface, or subnet. So, with the routing protocol you have in there, the routers will pick the best route to the destination, and we all know that RIP will choose the fastest. I will have to dust off the ole books to confirm this (how many RIP routes to the same destination can you have in the routing table, etc.)

Good news Burtbees..it WORKS!!!

Thanks for hanging in there..As per usual, it was a user error.
Some how I lost the config the frame relay connection, so stripped it back & rebuilt the confing & I have Frane relay connection & internet connection..YESSS!!!

Even when I ran ;sh ip route

You could see direct connection to the Frame relay router & the S (I think) link to the SP IP network :eek:)

So chuffed so the mystical experiment continues. I'm sure to run into you again. Meanwhile stay frost..
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