Can someone please tell me why the following procedure
between the begin and end statements does not work even
if there is nothing in tblFTableMyDate?
If I place a BreakPoint on the "if" statement I can
see that the value is in fact reflected as being '0'. But
even if I make the "if" statement to look for '0'
it won't work.
if DateToStr(tblFTableMyDate.value) = '' then
DMCntcts.Query1.SQL.Add ('SELECT *');
DMCntcts.Query1.SQL.Add ('FROM "c:\h\Contacts\Cntcts.db" t2, "c:\h\Contacts\FTable.db" t1');
DMCntcts.Query1.SQL.Add ('WHERE t2.FollowUp = t1.FollowUp1');
DMCntcts.Query1.Active := True;