I built a form to enter data. It only allows you to view the data you are entering.
I made a second form which is a copy of the first, but it is strictly read only.
Then I made a 3rd form which is a copy as well, but this one allows you to edit the data.
When I open this 3rd form from the database window, it works fine, but when I open it for the button I created (which can be found on the "2nd form") it doesn't allow me to edit the data.
The macro on the button made is simple.
Close 2nd Form
Open 3rd Form in edit mode.
Anyone know why this is happening?
I made a second form which is a copy of the first, but it is strictly read only.
Then I made a 3rd form which is a copy as well, but this one allows you to edit the data.
When I open this 3rd form from the database window, it works fine, but when I open it for the button I created (which can be found on the "2nd form") it doesn't allow me to edit the data.
The macro on the button made is simple.
Close 2nd Form
Open 3rd Form in edit mode.
Anyone know why this is happening?