I only started working with perl 2 days ago, so there's a chance I'm doing something wrong with my code, but it doesn't look that way.
I have a script that generates a relatively complex page with a couple of pictures and a lot of text. Occasionally the text doesn't load, and almost always, most of the pictures don't. Looking at the generated HTML, I can see that the code is there, the browser just isn't loading it. This occurs with Firefox, Mozilla Suite, Internet Explorer, links2 (graphical).
So, why is it happening? Why is the amount of code that's processed different at different times? And (this might be a stretch) how can I make it work?
I have a script that generates a relatively complex page with a couple of pictures and a lot of text. Occasionally the text doesn't load, and almost always, most of the pictures don't. Looking at the generated HTML, I can see that the code is there, the browser just isn't loading it. This occurs with Firefox, Mozilla Suite, Internet Explorer, links2 (graphical).
So, why is it happening? Why is the amount of code that's processed different at different times? And (this might be a stretch) how can I make it work?