i have problem that makes me creazy
scenario 1: adp project works in multi user environment. 2 users open concurently the same form binded to ms sql data.
they look into data moving beetween records.
problem 1ne of them changes data in some records but other have the same data as before - why not refreshed.
scenario 2: adp project works in single user environment. user opens form with some text fields and combo boxes binded to ms sql data (combo boxes have own record sources but value is derived from values from main query). user changes data, binded to combo box, by clicking button but value in combo box is the same like before - why not refreshed.
ok i've wrote bunch of special procedures to hanlde that situations and refreshed data in background events BUT WHY ACCESS ADP don't do it itself. this situation complicate even most simple forms.
i have problem that makes me creazy
scenario 1: adp project works in multi user environment. 2 users open concurently the same form binded to ms sql data.
they look into data moving beetween records.
problem 1ne of them changes data in some records but other have the same data as before - why not refreshed.
scenario 2: adp project works in single user environment. user opens form with some text fields and combo boxes binded to ms sql data (combo boxes have own record sources but value is derived from values from main query). user changes data, binded to combo box, by clicking button but value in combo box is the same like before - why not refreshed.
ok i've wrote bunch of special procedures to hanlde that situations and refreshed data in background events BUT WHY ACCESS ADP don't do it itself. this situation complicate even most simple forms.