I created a report with formulas:
In group header:
StringVar RXDesc := "";
Group footer:
StringVar RXDesc;
left(RXDesc, len(RXDesc)-2);
And In detail:
if not isnull ({@RXDesc}) and ({@RXDesc}) <> " "
then stringvar RXDesc := RXDesc + {@RXDesc} +", "
else if length (RXDesc) = 0
then stringvar RXDesc := RXDesc + "N/A ;"
else stringvar RXDesc := RXDesc
Suppressed groupheader, detail, etc... except groupfooter.
My results showing:
DateCollected Result Resistant Sensitive
11/01/02 Neg N/A N/A
12/01/03 Pos N/A N/A ; ETM, INH, STR
02/08/04 Neg N/A N/A
10/08/06 Neg N/A ;EMB, PZA N/A
It supposes to show like this:
DateCollected Result Resistant Sensitive
11/01/02 Neg N/A N/A
12/01/03 Pos N/A ETM, INH, STR
02/08/04 Neg N/A N/A
10/08/06 Neg EMB, PZA N/A
If having records then it’s not supposed to show N/A;
So please help, thanks
Each customer on each page and group by CustomerID
TN (USA). I'm using Windows XP, Crystal Reports 10 and SQL Server
In group header:
StringVar RXDesc := "";
Group footer:
StringVar RXDesc;
left(RXDesc, len(RXDesc)-2);
And In detail:
if not isnull ({@RXDesc}) and ({@RXDesc}) <> " "
then stringvar RXDesc := RXDesc + {@RXDesc} +", "
else if length (RXDesc) = 0
then stringvar RXDesc := RXDesc + "N/A ;"
else stringvar RXDesc := RXDesc
Suppressed groupheader, detail, etc... except groupfooter.
My results showing:
DateCollected Result Resistant Sensitive
11/01/02 Neg N/A N/A
12/01/03 Pos N/A N/A ; ETM, INH, STR
02/08/04 Neg N/A N/A
10/08/06 Neg N/A ;EMB, PZA N/A
It supposes to show like this:
DateCollected Result Resistant Sensitive
11/01/02 Neg N/A N/A
12/01/03 Pos N/A ETM, INH, STR
02/08/04 Neg N/A N/A
10/08/06 Neg EMB, PZA N/A
If having records then it’s not supposed to show N/A;
So please help, thanks
Each customer on each page and group by CustomerID
TN (USA). I'm using Windows XP, Crystal Reports 10 and SQL Server