back end is SQL server - front is adp.
we have multiple claimants per claim and multiple phone numbers per claimant.
On my claim form I am trying to fill an unbound text box with claimant address and phone information. I cannot use a subform because I would actually need to put a subform in a continuous form (phone numbers into claimants) and that won't work.
So I'm trying my hand at a loop.
Loop seems okay - the real problem is making the connection and correct syntax for assigning the information from the recordsets into the field.
The following code compiles but when run I get an "invalid use of property" on the rst1.filter.
Could someone advice me?
we have multiple claimants per claim and multiple phone numbers per claimant.
On my claim form I am trying to fill an unbound text box with claimant address and phone information. I cannot use a subform because I would actually need to put a subform in a continuous form (phone numbers into claimants) and that won't work.
So I'm trying my hand at a loop.
Loop seems okay - the real problem is making the connection and correct syntax for assigning the information from the recordsets into the field.
The following code compiles but when run I get an "invalid use of property" on the rst1.filter.
Could someone advice me?
Dim rst1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim intClaimID As Integer
Dim strClaimants As String
intClaimID = Me.txtClaimID
Set rst1 = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("CSF_Claimants_Per_Claim_V")
rst1.Filter ("Claim_ID = " & intClaimID)
Do While Not (rst1.EOF)
strClaimants = strClaimants & rst1.Fields("Attorney_Name") & Chr(13) + Chr(10) + _
rst1.Fields("Line_1_VC30") & Chr(13) + Chr(10) + rst1.Fields("Line_2_VC30") _
& Chr(13) + Chr(10) + rst1.Fields("Line_3_VC30") & Chr(13) + Chr(10) + _
rst1.Fields("City_VC30") & ", " & rst1.Fields("State_C2") & " " & rst1.Fields("zip_VC10") & Chr(13) + Chr(10) + ""
Dim rst2 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim intPerson As Integer
intPerson = rst1.Fields("Person_ID")
Set rst2 = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("CSF_phone_Numbers_V")
rst2.Filter ("Person_ID = " & intPerson)
Do While Not (rst2.EOF)
strClaimants = strClaimants & rst2.Fields("Description_VC240") & ": " _
& rst2.Fields("number_vc60") & " (" & rst2.Fields("Description_VC240") & ")"
Me.txtClaimants = strClaimants