Is there a straightforward way to find out which shell I'm running?
On my machine I have to log in as Bourne & then change to ksh (don't ask ...) & it would be nice to be able to run a simple command to check I'm running the right shell.
$SHELL won't tell me, I could run ps -f & process the output to find which is the parent & which is the child but I wondered if there's something tidier than this.
Thanks, Chris
On my machine I have to log in as Bourne & then change to ksh (don't ask ...) & it would be nice to be able to run a simple command to check I'm running the right shell.
$SHELL won't tell me, I could run ps -f & process the output to find which is the parent & which is the child but I wondered if there's something tidier than this.
Thanks, Chris