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Which is better dreamweaver or Frontpage? 2

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Mar 16, 2003

I am new to web designing , could anyone of u tel me which is better to use for designing a website.
What are the advantages and disadvantage of using them?

Thanking u in advance for reading my message!!

Frontpage is more a beginners program it is very easy to use and any person on the street could throw a web site together. Dreamweaver is more for people who have a little more grasp of code.

The one huge drawback of Frontpage the code does not behave very well its very ugly when you look at it after being in design mode. and for some reason it edits code you do not want changed, I guess thinking it knows better, and for some reason pages stop working right.

For example I had this ASP page that I put in there just wanting to make some minor design changes but after saving the page it did not work the same. For the life of my I could not see why. But from what I hear this happens a lot with Frontpage.

So basically if you are new and want to do more design then go with Frontpage as you get more experience and/or want to to more with code you may want to switch to Dreamweaver.


If you can use a computer and your competent in using windows programs.... even to do simple stuff, use DW.

FP is very poor at doing what AJ said above. FP causes things to change that you dont want to... it just seems to take over - and the coding is very inefficent.

My 2 pence...


There are 2 types of computer, the prototype and the obsolete!!
If you want to create a photo album or a small predesigned website go with Frontpage it has wizards for almost everything and is true is just too annoying when it handles the code. Plus, a simple "hello" page will be at least two-three times larger than a page created with DW.
You also have to be really careful when using Frontpage, there are some webbots (FP objects) that will work wonders on your development computer but when sent to your production server you have to be sure that the server supports Frontpage Extensions otherwise all those nice little features just won't work.Things have changed but in the past you had (and probalby you still have to) to pay extra money to get the extensions unabled on your site.

DW on the other side was sent to earth to make sense of web development. It lets you do whatever you want and doesn't mess up your code at all. Obviously "with great power comes great responsability" you have to be more code-savvy if you want to pull fancy stuff. DW also has a lot of small wizards, Behaviors, library, snippets and an army of developers behind it.

So picking one of them is just a matter of kind of things you want to develop.

Another huge drawback of Frontpage -> made by Microsoft.

grtfercho çB^]\..
"Imagination is more important than Knowledge" A. Einstein
Or just drop both of them and use notepad or a similar text editor and code by hand, rather than a program doing it for you.

If you code by hand, in the long run you learn more because you see how things work and can make updates to the code easier.

Hope this helps


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
I too second the hand-coding. I got the best advice when I started to learn this stuff: A guy told me to only use Dreamweaver (FrontPage is not even an option as I see it as it will change your code for you -- how nice!!) after I already know how to hand-code it.

If your in this to really learn take the time to hand code, if your in this for a hobby, then dreamweaver should be fine...
I believe hand coding is best but if you really had to choose I would go with Dreamweaver. It's cleaner than Frontpage and isn't Microsoft.

Gary Haran
Handcoding gets a big thumbs up from me as well to learn how to code HTML, Then DW for when you get some experience.
M$ FP is not even on the starting line, for all the reasons listed above and the problem that most FP sites only ever work correctly in IE.


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

I am in the process of creating my own self made FIRST web page.

1. I started first with front page. Couple of initial hours. Tried with different samples. Realised that the code behind is not acceptable to me. But it did the job.

2. Visited several sites, took the code behind and tried to study by pasting them in FrontPage and look part by part. Not happy with many of them, though I am not competent to comment.

3. Downloaded a couple of free HTML editors. Not happy with any compared to FrontPage. I did not download any shareware, since my intention at this stage is not to spend any money. So did not try anything like Dream Weaver, though I cam across recommendations.

4. Signed in a free space provider with tools to upload your site on the fly. Created a sample page in less than half an hour. Again looked into the code behind. Not happy, since heavy graphics involved and jpgs created auto by the tools. Left that as 'NOT MY WAY' or thinking.

5. Reached back to Front page. Created by typing as we do letters... looked in the tab - HTML, started playing with the code and deleting unwanted code auto created.. all the while seeing the previews again and again with every change to ensure that no functionality or appearance is lost. Realised that better way is to code myself.

(NOW this is what the experts here say above, but unless you realise it yourself, the value to that will not be understood to its magnitude. But realise that sooner, so that you are in track earlier than later.)

All the activities were spread over a couple of days.. few hours a day basis.. and all along I kept searching the internet for learning on this subject. This site, Tek-Tips, is for working professionals and so did not start posting here straightaway with my tiny tots. (I myself is a leading member in some other forum here and want to respect this site) working professionals helping each other and since I am building a new site of my own (for what - I still dont have a solid plan).. any ways.. all for free..(free space.. free bandwidth .. free domain.. except my limited hours spent.. and believe me that my time is not that freely available! (sarcasm on myself, but reality). BUT ALL THESE ONE HAVE TO GO THRU' IF YOU WANT TO LEARN YOURSELF.

6. Now that I decided to code the pages myself, I have to learn HTML fast. By now I already picked up some of it.. thanks to FrontPage and a book I picked up (I spent for this!. I dont have an easy access to libraries in my place).. "Easy Web Page Creation" by Mary Millhollon with Jeff Castrina (I decided on this, because it is a microsoft publication and the book looked nice reading anyways). (I could have avoided this, had I got into the following site earlier.)

7. I kept searching the internet for learning on HTML. The following site was wonderful. Just my type for a very fast grasping of the codes.. I picked up the first 10 chapters in an hour or two, but believe there is a lot to pick up. I am still a beginner. Dont forget that.

8. To cut short and get into the final current stages of mine.. I started to code in FrontPage.. Start FrontPage, Open a Blank Page (not using wizard at all), reach the HTML area.. (by now I have a dummy template of my own.. with the header and closing code.. infact it is a tiny few lines of code.. with meta info etc..), cut and paste from my template..
Fill up title and body quickly .. keep seeing the preview tab.. at times switching to GENERAL TAB and type, but this is where FrontPage puts its own gotcha code, edit back these in the HTML code.. and save the file.

9. I kept trying the whole of web pages created in Preview of FrontPage and uploaded into the web site. There was one place where the page did not display as I intended.. I need to add a <BR>.. I dont know why FrontPage showed everytime correctly while the site showed without the line break.. did not want to brak my head on that.. simply added the <br> and the site was up and taking shape.

10. You can have a look into this site...
It is far far from my vision, though as I earlier mentioned.. the vision itself is in blurr..
The site is just at its initial stage - I have spent in total 6 or 7 days at 2 to 4 hours a day basis. There is a lot to load in the coming days, provided I am able to spent time the same way.

11. Now .. Why do I write all these here?

I am new to web designing , could anyone of u tel me which is better to use for designing a website.
What are the advantages and disadvantage of using them?

There are more KumarShrees, (I am also one). A live experience shared, could help other beginners. Advice from experts help on specific topics, but for beginners starting to get up and walk like a child, a few personal fallings are necessary, before they start running.
And these tiny steps could in the end be a marathon.

And I feel I am also contributing to the beginners.. all about Tek-tips forum. If this helps another beginner, I am happy. :)

And now I will start my own thread (separately) for advice from these relentless experts !!!

ramani :)
(Subramanian.G),FoxAcc, ramani_g@yahoo.com
there are many mistakes in the page that you posted.
When you hand code this does not happen, you get used to reading/writing code, you can spot serious mistakes very easily and with a little bit of effort you should be able to spot all mistakes.
And always when coding, run your code through some sort of validator or code checker!

Building with Frontpage and editing the code to weed out the bad code seems pointless to me. Start in Notepad with a blank page and start typing the code!
You can use one of the hundreds of text-editors which will colour code the code and help you spot mistakes, validate the code etc etc etc

Good luck with the site building!

Hi Cian

Thanks for your comment. To me all these comments and help are going to be giant leaps though small steps for experts.

Start in Notepad with a blank page and start typing the code!
You can use one of the hundreds of text-editors which will colour code the code and help you spot mistakes, validate the code etc etc etc

Very good suggestion, but could you or some expert guide me to one which is better than the other in your/his/her opinion and also does the code validation.
I need a freeware. Hope I does the debugging fast before the unprofessional code catches on me.

Thanks cion again. :)

ramani :)
(Subramanian.G),FoxAcc, ramani_g@yahoo.com


Not free, but nearly there. ($30)
Editplus is a great editor and not only for HTML, you can set it up to colour highlight any language that you might use now or in the future.

There is a 30 day trial but I'm pretty sure the trial doesn't expire, I formatted a laptop months ago and have never got round to putting the serial in but it still works the same.

As you are just learning, stick with a validator that you will understand easily:

This will allow you to keep a check on your code and also load time, broken links etc and it is free to use for up to 5 pages at a time.

If you have any problems, just ask them here, no matter how basic they might seem. I know that you actively help in other forums so I would have no problems answering your questions here.

Hope this helps


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
Wullie, after my own heart again with the editplus recomendations :)
Justa sidenote: the oldest version of the trial I have right now is 314 days, though I have seen triels run longer. I have not purchased a new copy for myself yet (just rebuilt the home server) but find it is very handy to download quickly onto machines in the field where the program will only relly be used for a few hours.

Concerning which text editor is best, this has been debated, so as I type I'm opening another window to find that post :)

Sorry :p

01010100 01101001 01100101 01110010 01101110 01101111 01101011 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101
29 3K 10 3D 3L 3J 3K 10 32 35 10 3E 39 33 35 10 3K 3F 10 38 31 3M 35 10 36 3I 35 35 10 3K 39 3D 35 10 1Q 19
Get better results for your questions: faq333-2924
Frequently Asked ASP Questions: faq333-3048
Ah ha, found it in ther 4th forum I checked, warning this will add ASP to your threadminder :)


there are many mistakes in the page that you posted.

I checked with AceHtml5 freeware, and the validation returned Zero errors. Just curious what I am missing?.

Thank you very much for the text editor suggestion. I have downloaded, editPlus. And thanks for your kindness. :)


ramani :)
(Subramanian.G),FoxAcc, ramani_g@yahoo.com


I use HTML-Kit from chami.com, it's free and a damn good text editor. Does everything, validation, wizards for lazy people, FTP, etc etc etc

'Fraid there are mistakes, javascript before the document begins proper, summary missing from tables, no titles on links, double quotes missing off attributes in places, and more. BUT
1. these are accessibility issues really, but to me they are errors. Upgrade to XHTML, if you are starting to learn then you should start with correct and clean code.
2. Still using the FONT tag, as far as I am concerned this is obsolete and there's no reason to ever use it.
3. use lower case for all tags.
4. specify a doctype (basically tells the browser what type of code you are using.)

Hope that helps, with a few corrections you'll be there.

Instead of checking with AceHtml5, ALWAYS check with at least a few times during the design process. NOTE you need to add a doctype to your page before you check it there.
Btw, my editor returned 38 errors.
This isn't criticism, just trying to guide you :)

Hi cian,

Btw, my editor returned 38 errors.
This isn't criticism, just trying to guide you

I take evrything positive. Fire me :) Dont worry. :)
And I have given you a star in the first place. !
(Criticism by professionals is the best way to learn.)
I will check with your suggested things and I am sure that will help me a lot. :)

ramani :)
(Subramanian.G),FoxAcc, ramani_g@yahoo.com


Remember ramani is a beginner, you are being too harse.

1) javascript before the document begins

Looks like server generated code, so outwith the developers control.

2) Summary missing from tables, no titles on links,

Accesibility issues but not required in any sense unless you are a goverment site in the US or some other countries.

3) double quotes missing off attributes in places

Good practise but again not essential.

BTW. Have you validated your own site? [noevil]


The biggest errors in the page are code between tables, redundant closing tags etc.


<P> </P>
<P> </P>


The page also seems to be missing a closing body and html tag.

Hope this helps


The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
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