Hi All,
Any recommendations on linux distrobutions for a grade school environment on older hardware?
I have tried a few distros like Edubuntu and Kubuntu but they run very very slow. I am running on a 450Mhz Intel box with 128 meg of ram which is probably about average for older PCs I can get hold of to donate to the schools. I would like to find a distro to work well in the educational environment on the older hardware.
It is also entirely possible that the system needs tweaking and I am a relative newbie so would not know where to begin.
I did try out the current free Xandros release which runs pretty well. It looks like some of the software is only trial version though so I will have to do a lot of tweaking there to get all free software up and running. It kind of kills the nice fast install if I have to modify the heck out of it once it is in place.
I know there are distros out there specially designed for educational purposes and I am looking. Any suggestions?
As far as the Xandros release, it was an impressively easy install and a good looking desktop. I get the feeling though that the default desktop is homoginized between typical linux and windows environments based on the Ubuntu releases I have looked at.
At my age I still learn something new every day, but I forget two others.
Any recommendations on linux distrobutions for a grade school environment on older hardware?
I have tried a few distros like Edubuntu and Kubuntu but they run very very slow. I am running on a 450Mhz Intel box with 128 meg of ram which is probably about average for older PCs I can get hold of to donate to the schools. I would like to find a distro to work well in the educational environment on the older hardware.
It is also entirely possible that the system needs tweaking and I am a relative newbie so would not know where to begin.
I did try out the current free Xandros release which runs pretty well. It looks like some of the software is only trial version though so I will have to do a lot of tweaking there to get all free software up and running. It kind of kills the nice fast install if I have to modify the heck out of it once it is in place.
I know there are distros out there specially designed for educational purposes and I am looking. Any suggestions?
As far as the Xandros release, it was an impressively easy install and a good looking desktop. I get the feeling though that the default desktop is homoginized between typical linux and windows environments based on the Ubuntu releases I have looked at.
At my age I still learn something new every day, but I forget two others.