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Which DBMS to use...

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Apr 30, 2001
I'm updating a DB system for a company that's currently using Paradox as their DBMS. I was hoping to get some feedback on my decision regarding what system to use.

* First off, I'm using Borland C++ Builder to create the GUI and display the recs, etc

* We're talking about tens of thousands of records, so it's got to be effecient.

* There can be multiple computers on a simple network accessing the tables, and they should be able to seamlessly log on to the one main server computer.

* The program basically has to be made for a monkey to use. So ideally, I don't want a whole extra server-install this-or-that when the user tries to install MY program. Ideally, I'd LOVE to be able to embed the server in the program.

Any discussion on ideas would be HUGELY helpful to me. Thanks!
* I'm leaning towards SQL, fo rwhat it's worth.

Are you looking for a centralized instance of this database as in client/server architecture, or a client-code embedded database?

If the former, then you are likely to get extremely varied opinions on which database to use. From a simplistic level, going with one of the big three (Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL Server) has its benefits in that they are so pervasive that there are lots of resources out there for developing with them and it may be easier to find people to support it over time than an obscure database.

If you want to embed a client database engine into the application, look at SQLLite, SQL Server Compact Edition and VistaDB for starters. Each of the three have their pros and cons and lack functionality when compared to a client/server database.
SQl Server, Oracle, Mysql etc can all do what you need. Tens of thousands of records isn't really a very large db to any of those systems. You don't need the users to install anything for the database server becasue the GUI connection to the server should take care of that. If you are interested in performance, you need to closely look at indexing and if that userinterface will permit it, use stored procedures for all data access and do not use any cursors.

Have fun, it's is always a challenge to convert to a new database.

"NOTHING is more important in a database than integrity." ESquared
I'm looking for a centralized instance. I need to be able to utilize an embedded server within the program, if possible.

* Oh, and I forgot one other important requirement: The free-er the better.

So far, my biggest hopefuls are InterBase, MySQL, and FairCom's c-tree. I need fairly easy access to BCBuilder, and all three can, for the most part, have the components in place to be able to do that.

>centralized instance

>embedded server within the program

These notions are mutually exclusive.
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