I think you need to provide more info. when you say you are very junior programmer - do you already work with SQL and what do you do?
Before you go to sites/books you need to decide on your core options for an MCSD. At the moment you either need to take FoxPro * 2 or VB * 2 or C++ * 2 exams as your "core" exams - plus 2 other exams (known as electives).
Are you a "coding" person or do you spend most of your day creating/maniplulating database objects (tables, queries etc). If you work with db objects then I would think your MSCD should be based around FoxPro.
If you are a coding person then do you have any experience of OOP - are you familiar with classes, inheritance, polymorphism and the like? If this is you then you could base your MCSD around C++ or VB.
As to books - check out computer book clubs - I've seen some amazing offers on MCSE/MCSD books as an intro - then have to buy 4 books a year, you know the kind of thing.
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