I have lots of background in other databases like Oracle, etc. Where to start to learn SQL server programming? Any basic online articles with samples? How to execute sql select statement and write basic procedures?
I'd personally recommend buying plenty of SQL books as you'll always find that what one book is good at, or contains, isnt always necessarily in the other ones.
If you had to buy just one book go for Wrox's Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming by Robert Vieira which is accesible and informative.
I've only been doing SQL for a little while myself and I've found this book invaluable.
Do what I did... ask a question or three here when you get stuck. But, perhaps even better, answer other people's questions! The research and testing you have to do to answer their questions will educate you!
On 3/12 I asked my first question on this forum, and my second on 4/26 (if I didn't miss any), exposing my complete SQL Server ignorance.
Now, just 5 months later, I know a lot more than I did. Yes, I've done a lot of research in Books Online for my own problems, and have read tons of web articles, and seen answers in threads by knowledgeable people such as SQLSister, but I've also learned a ton by helping other people.
A sacrifice is harder when no one knows you've made it.
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