It's been quite some time since I've worked with SQL. This is what I need to do.
SELECT * FROM hotlines WHERE category=admin ORDER BY name
Select everything from the table hotlines with the field category contains the word admin, the order it by name. Something is obviously wrong with my syntax because I get errors when I put the WHERE part in. The following statment works fine. So it must be the WHERE part.
SELECT * FROM hotlines ORDER BY name
When faced with a decision, always ask, 'Which would be the most fun?'
SELECT * FROM hotlines WHERE category=admin ORDER BY name
Select everything from the table hotlines with the field category contains the word admin, the order it by name. Something is obviously wrong with my syntax because I get errors when I put the WHERE part in. The following statment works fine. So it must be the WHERE part.
SELECT * FROM hotlines ORDER BY name
When faced with a decision, always ask, 'Which would be the most fun?'