I hate to ask this, but for aix 5.1 where or what is the sar binary to install? i like to get this on a system which was recently upgraded to 5.1 but sar is not on there, I am sure its buried on a cd ?
yes, i think it was not installed, i came across something that said it was part of the bos.adt, the accounting portion. I beleive its an additional to the base os install, so i am not sure what options it is in. I did an intall several weeks ago, and had it intall everaything and its on that one, so who ever did this one, did not do all the optional software.
What i beleive happended, was sar was never installed, or at least the bos.acct was not fully installed, there fore when someone updated the system, it did not update this part since it was not installed. I have installed the missing part, since part of bos.acct was there, exect this module.
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