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Where does this bit of code go?

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I found an example on an internet site and copied the code in the hopes of fixing a problem that I'm having...here's the code that I cut:
Dim n as Long

' Open recordset up here
n = 0
While Not rs.EOF
n = n + 1
FDFSetValue "policy" & n, rs("Policy"), False

I want to insert it into my module which looks like this (see below) but don't know where to put it in? Any ideas?

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal
hwnd As Long, ByVal lpszOp As String, ByVal lpszFile As String, ByVal
lpszParams As String, ByVal lpszDir As String, ByVal FsShowCmd As Long) As
Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long

Function CreateAIGApp()
ShowApp ("AIG")
End Function

Function ShowApp(strCompany As String)

On Error GoTo ErrChk
Dim hDC1 As Long 'Window handle variable.
Dim lVal As Long
Dim FdfAcX As FDFACXLib.FdfApp
Dim Fdf_Output As FDFACXLib.FdfDoc 'Output FDF
Dim rstClient As Recordset
Dim strField As String
Dim varFieldvalue As Variant
Dim strPdfFile As String 'Path + name of PDF form file to be populated
Dim strFdfFile As String 'Path + name of FDF file to create
Dim n As Integer

strPdfFile = "p:\tpg\forms\" & strCompany & "App test.pdf" 'Existing PDF
form file
strFdfFile = "p:\tpg\forms\" & strCompany & "App test.fdf" 'FDF file to

Set rstClient = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("CurrentClientApplicationData")

'Create FDF object
Set FdfAcX = CreateObject("fdfapp.Fdfapp")

'Create FDF output file
Set Fdf_Output = FdfAcX.FDFCreate

'Set return field values and flags
With Fdf_Output
For n = 3 To rstClient.Fields.Count - 1
strField = rstClient.Fields(n).Name
Select Case rstClient.Fields(n).Type
Case dbText
varFieldvalue = Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), " ")
Case dbLong
varFieldvalue = Format(Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), 0), "#,###")
Case dbSingle
varFieldvalue = Format(Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), 0),
Case Else
varFieldvalue = Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), 0)
End Select
' If strField = "AgentNotes" Then Stop
.FDFSetValue strField, FormatField(strField, varFieldvalue,
strCompany), False
Next n

.FDFSetFile strPdfFile 'Associate FDF file with PDF file"

.FDFSaveToFile strFdfFile 'Create the FDF file on disk

.FDFClose 'Close Output file

End With
'Launch Acrobat viewer (Reader or Exchange) with the FDF file.
hDC1 = GetDesktopWindow() 'Get a window handle for ShellExecute's

'Some folks pass null in place of hDC1, but this is how an MS example did
lVal = ShellExecute(hDC1, "Open", strFdfFile, "", "Path", 1)
Exit Function

If Err.Number = 3265 Then
MsgBox "Missing field: '" & strField & "'"
MsgBox Err.Description
End If

End Function

Function FormatField(strField As String, varFieldvalue As Variant,
strCompany As String) As String
Dim strFieldValue As String
If strCompany = "Trans" Then
Select Case strField
Case "SIN"
strFieldValue = Format(varFieldvalue, " & & & &
& & & & & & &")
Case "HomePostal", "BusPostal"
strFieldValue = Format(varFieldvalue, " & & & &
& & &")
Case "DOB", "lastused"
strFieldValue = PutSpaceInDate(varFieldvalue)
Case "Age"
strFieldValue = NearestAge(Nz(Forms!frmclients!Dob, 0))
Case "HomePhone", "BusPhone"
strFieldValue = Format(varFieldvalue, "### # # #
# # # #")
Case "BarCode"
strFieldValue = "Barcode: " & varFieldvalue
Case "MrMrs"
Select Case varFieldvalue
Case "Dr"
' .FDFSetValue "OtherTitle", "Dr.", False
Case "Rev"
' .FDFSetValue "OtherTitle", "Rev.", False
Case Else
strFieldValue = varFieldvalue
End Select
Case Else
strFieldValue = varFieldvalue
End Select
Select Case strField
Case "SIN"
strFieldValue = Format(varFieldvalue, " @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @")
Case "HomePostal", "BusPostal"
strFieldValue = Format(varFieldvalue, "@ @ @ @ @ @")
Case "DOB", "lastused"
strFieldValue = Format(varFieldvalue, " dd
mm yy")
Case "Age"
strFieldValue = NearestAge(Nz(Forms!frmclients!Dob, 0))
Case "HomePhone", "BusPhone"
strFieldValue = Format(varFieldvalue, "(###) ### - ####")
Case "MrMrs"
Select Case varFieldvalue
Case "Dr"
' .FDFSetValue "OtherTitle", "Dr.", False
Case "Rev"
' .FDFSetValue "OtherTitle", "Rev.", False
Case Else
strFieldValue = varFieldvalue
End Select
Case Else
strFieldValue = varFieldvalue
End Select

End If
FormatField = strFieldValue
End Function

Function PutSpaceInDate(dtDate As Variant)

Dim strdate As String
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim strSpaced As String

strdate = Format(dtDate, "ddmmyyyy")
For intLoop = 1 To Len(strdate)
If Len(strSpaced) > 0 Then
strSpaced = strSpaced & " " & Mid(strdate, intLoop, 1)
strSpaced = Mid(strdate, intLoop, 1)
End If
Next intLoop

PutSpaceInDate = strSpaced

End Function

Function Demo()

Dim strCompany As String
strCompany = "Trans"
Dim FdfAcX As FDFACXLib.FdfApp
Dim Fdf_Output As FDFACXLib.FdfDoc 'Output FDF
Dim dBase1 As Database
Dim sDB_File As String
Dim sSQL As String
Dim rstClient As Recordset
Dim nIndex As Integer
Dim rstFields As Recordset
Dim strField As String
Dim strFieldValue As String
Dim strPdfFile As String 'Path + name of PDF form file to be populated
Dim strFdfFile As String 'Path + name of FDF file to create

strPdfFile = "n:\users\Ryan\" & strCompany & "App.pdf" 'Existing PDF form
strFdfFile = "n:\users\Ryan\" & strCompany & "App.fdf" 'FDF file to

Set rstClient = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("client")
Set rstFields = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Fieldnames WHERE " &
strCompany & "=-1")
'Get field values from record

'Create FDF object
Set FdfAcX = CreateObject("fdfapp.Fdfapp")

'Create FDF output file
Set Fdf_Output = FdfAcX.FDFCreate

'Set return field values and flags
With Fdf_Output
Do Until rstFields.EOF
strField = rstFields!FieldName
Select Case strField
Case "SIN"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!SIN, " "), "# # #
# # # # # #")
Case "HomePostal"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!HomePostal, " "), " # #
# # # # ")
Case "Income", "NetWorth"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient.Fields(strField),
0), "$#,###")
Case "Age"
If strCompany = "Trans" Then
strFieldValue = NearestAge(Nz(rstClient!Dob, 0))
strFieldValue = ActualAge(Nz(rstClient!Dob, 0))
End If
Case "HomePhone"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!HomePhone, " "), "###
# # # # # # #")
Case "BusPhone"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!BusPhone, " "), "###
# # # # # # #")
Case Else
strFieldValue = Nz(rstClient.Fields(strField))
End Select
Select Case strField
Case "Sex"
If strFieldValue = "M" Then
.FDFSetValue "Male", "X", False
.FDFSetValue "Female", " ", False
.FDFSetValue "Female", "X", False
.FDFSetValue "Male", " ", False
End If
Case "Smoker"
Select Case strFieldValue
Case "N"
.FDFSetValue "NonSmoker", "X", False
.FDFSetValue "Smoker", " ", False
Case Else
.FDFSetValue "NonSmoker", " ", False
.FDFSetValue "Smoker", "X", False
End Select
Case Else
.FDFSetValue strField, strFieldValue, False
End Select

.FDFSetFile strPdfFile 'Associate FDF file with PDF file"

.FDFSaveToFile strFdfFile 'Create the FDF file on disk

.FDFClose 'Close Output file

End With

'Launch Acrobat viewer (Reader or Exchange) with the FDF file.
Dim hDC1 As Long 'Window handle variable.
hDC1 = GetDesktopWindow() 'Get a window handle for ShellExecute's

'You can replace "Open" with "Print" to print the PDF.
'Some folks pass null in place of hDC1, but this is how an MS example did
Dim lVal As Long
lVal = ShellExecute(hDC1, "Open", strFdfFile, "", "Path", 1)

End Function
I guess it would go somewhere in here:

Set rstClient = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("CurrentClientApplicationData")

'Create FDF object
Set FdfAcX = CreateObject("fdfapp.Fdfapp")

'Create FDF output file
Set Fdf_Output = FdfAcX.FDFCreate

'Set return field values and flags
With Fdf_Output
For n = 3 To rstClient.Fields.Count - 1
strField = rstClient.Fields(n).Name
Select Case rstClient.Fields(n).Type
Case dbText
varFieldvalue = Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), " ")
Case dbLong
varFieldvalue = Format(Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), 0), "#,###")
Case dbSingle
varFieldvalue = Format(Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), 0),
Case Else
varFieldvalue = Nz(rstClient.Fields(n), 0)
End Select
' If strField = "AgentNotes" Then Stop
.FDFSetValue strField, FormatField(strField, varFieldvalue,
strCompany), False
Next n

.FDFSetFile strPdfFile 'Associate FDF file with PDF file"

.FDFSaveToFile strFdfFile 'Create the FDF file on disk

.FDFClose 'Close Output file

End With

Or maybe somewhere in here:

Set rstClient = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("client")
Set rstFields = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Fieldnames WHERE " &
strCompany & "=-1")
'Get field values from record

'Create FDF object
Set FdfAcX = CreateObject("fdfapp.Fdfapp")

'Create FDF output file
Set Fdf_Output = FdfAcX.FDFCreate

'Set return field values and flags
With Fdf_Output
Do Until rstFields.EOF
strField = rstFields!FieldName
Select Case strField
Case "SIN"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!SIN, " "), "# # #
# # # # # #")
Case "HomePostal"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!HomePostal, " "), " # #
# # # # ")
Case "Income", "NetWorth"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient.Fields(strField),
0), "$#,###")
Case "Age"
If strCompany = "Trans" Then
strFieldValue = NearestAge(Nz(rstClient!Dob, 0))
strFieldValue = ActualAge(Nz(rstClient!Dob, 0))
End If
Case "HomePhone"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!HomePhone, " "), "###
# # # # # # #")
Case "BusPhone"
strFieldValue = Format(Nz(rstClient!BusPhone, " "), "###
# # # # # # #")
Case Else
strFieldValue = Nz(rstClient.Fields(strField))
End Select
Select Case strField
Case "Sex"
If strFieldValue = "M" Then
.FDFSetValue "Male", "X", False
.FDFSetValue "Female", " ", False
.FDFSetValue "Female", "X", False
.FDFSetValue "Male", " ", False
End If
Case "Smoker"
Select Case strFieldValue
Case "N"
.FDFSetValue "NonSmoker", "X", False
.FDFSetValue "Smoker", " ", False
Case Else
.FDFSetValue "NonSmoker", " ", False
.FDFSetValue "Smoker", "X", False
End Select
Case Else
.FDFSetValue strField, strFieldValue, False
End Select

...........???????????????????????????????????? :(

I reckon I don't really know. Could you describe exactly what you are trying to fix with it? Are you getting an error? Something, any kind of clue would help....
Haha..thanks guys..

What that bit of code will do is allow me to populate fields on a PDF form using a single, continous field from my database. In other words, I have a field called carrier in my database and it is continous, so I can enter an infinite under of entries under a single record.

On my PDF form I have to break that field up into its components (i.e. carrier, carrier1, carrier2, carrier3, for all the different entries that have been entered into that field). For a unique field like lastname the data just transfers over to the PDF form because there is only one entry. But I'm running into problems with some of the fields that are continous.

So I need to put this bit of code in my module so that it will loop through all of the continous fields and break them down into thier appropriate components (i.e. carrier, carrier1,....) .

Any suggestions as to where it might go?

Does anyone know anything about PDF and FDF????
Why don't you break this field into several smaller fields, which will remove the need to parse out the relevant values compeltely.... James Goodman
Because it will take up too much space. Not all clients have multiple policies and some have as many as 20...it wouldn't be worth it to create all of the extra fields.

If that is the case, then you need a new table with a Foreign key to the clientID and then a policyID. It does seem like the table design needs to be looked at.




Hope that helps... Terry M. Hoey
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