I learnt a lot about OOD at uni, and really enjoyed developing applications using OO languages like Java and C++. Since finishing Uni I have taken a different path than I expected, as at the time there was shortage of Java / C++ jobs, and a surplus of graduates. So I decided to start my own business, which has become quite successful, mainly developing small to medium sized web based applications, using PHP and MySQL.
Now I have embarked on a large project and I am developing a functional specification using UML. Using OOD principles is very much helping me define the requirements and functions of the system. But whereas OOD maps directly to languages such as Java / C++ I am a bit confused how it relates to PHP scripts and MySQL databases.
In terms of PHP/MySQL, what is a class? What is an object? As far as I can tell, a class is spread out across the DB table it's data is stored in, and the individual script files that access and mutate that data.
With PHP 4 I know I can use OO features, but they do not really follow OO rules and are really just a different way or perceiving what is fundamentally a relational DB model.
What steps should I take to take my OOD of the system and design a technical specification, and develop it using PHP/MySQL (and HTML, CSS and JavaScript)?
The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.
Now I have embarked on a large project and I am developing a functional specification using UML. Using OOD principles is very much helping me define the requirements and functions of the system. But whereas OOD maps directly to languages such as Java / C++ I am a bit confused how it relates to PHP scripts and MySQL databases.
In terms of PHP/MySQL, what is a class? What is an object? As far as I can tell, a class is spread out across the DB table it's data is stored in, and the individual script files that access and mutate that data.
With PHP 4 I know I can use OO features, but they do not really follow OO rules and are really just a different way or perceiving what is fundamentally a relational DB model.
What steps should I take to take my OOD of the system and design a technical specification, and develop it using PHP/MySQL (and HTML, CSS and JavaScript)?
The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.