I am currently learning new web skills, and am using Ultradev on a Mac. I am trying to gather information on what languages and programmes I need to learn to perfom certain tasks.
Could any of you knowledgeable peeps please suggest to me where I start learning ? I need to learn CGI stuff for forms, and database stuff - live database searches etc...
I know its a bit vague - but I don't know how to be more specific.
What programming language do I need to learn ? Maybe we could have a discussion and you could ask me questions and suggest stuff.
I hope you can help me because I dont know where else to Start !
Thanks in Advance
Could any of you knowledgeable peeps please suggest to me where I start learning ? I need to learn CGI stuff for forms, and database stuff - live database searches etc...
I know its a bit vague - but I don't know how to be more specific.
What programming language do I need to learn ? Maybe we could have a discussion and you could ask me questions and suggest stuff.
I hope you can help me because I dont know where else to Start !
Thanks in Advance