This query run fine. it sends me the emails that i need.
here is the query:
create table #ezpayloc
(locations varchar(50), storeemail varchar(50))
insert into #ezpayloc SELECT distinct [LOCATION], +('mac'+(location)+'')
FROM vw_PAST_DUE_LESSONS_EZPAY] order by location
select * from #ezpayloc
SELECT distinct [LOCATION], +('mac'+(location)+'')
FROM vw_PAST_DUE_LESSONS_EZPAY] order by location
DECLARE @locs varchar(max)
declare @email varchar(max)
declare t_ezpay
cursor for select storeemail from #ezpayloc
declare t_ezpay
cursor for select locations from #ezpayloc
open t_ezpay
fetch next from t_ezpay into @email
fetch next from t_ezpay into @locs
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
Print 'Processing: ' + @email
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = '',
@body= 'All attempts to charge the credit card on file for the following EZ Pay Customers has failed.
Please contact the customer, update the card on file and charge the balance to the new card.',
@subject = 'EZ Pay'
fetch next from t_ezpay
into @email
close t_ezpay
deallocate t_ezpay
drop table #ezpayloc
now what i need it to do is with each time the query fetches i need it to take the results and email it to the location specific to it
for ex if it runs
location cutomer
0011 1234
0011 1251
0011 4250
0012 1506
0012 1508
so when it send an email to location 0011, location 0011 should only get their info as it the first 3 results
does that make sense?
here is the query:
create table #ezpayloc
(locations varchar(50), storeemail varchar(50))
insert into #ezpayloc SELECT distinct [LOCATION], +('mac'+(location)+'')
FROM vw_PAST_DUE_LESSONS_EZPAY] order by location
select * from #ezpayloc
SELECT distinct [LOCATION], +('mac'+(location)+'')
FROM vw_PAST_DUE_LESSONS_EZPAY] order by location
DECLARE @locs varchar(max)
declare @email varchar(max)
declare t_ezpay
cursor for select storeemail from #ezpayloc
declare t_ezpay
cursor for select locations from #ezpayloc
open t_ezpay
fetch next from t_ezpay into @email
fetch next from t_ezpay into @locs
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
Print 'Processing: ' + @email
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = '',
@body= 'All attempts to charge the credit card on file for the following EZ Pay Customers has failed.
Please contact the customer, update the card on file and charge the balance to the new card.',
@subject = 'EZ Pay'
fetch next from t_ezpay
into @email
close t_ezpay
deallocate t_ezpay
drop table #ezpayloc
now what i need it to do is with each time the query fetches i need it to take the results and email it to the location specific to it
for ex if it runs
location cutomer
0011 1234
0011 1251
0011 4250
0012 1506
0012 1508
so when it send an email to location 0011, location 0011 should only get their info as it the first 3 results
does that make sense?