I've just read about it - the requirements are
384Mb RAM, 800MHz processor, 800x600 screen
I've got loads of machines that fit that spec but they won't even run W7 starter. Apparently it is for the non-technologically advanced nations. I wonder if those of us who get "hand-me-down" machines fit in that category.
I have an MSDN subscription but it isn't in the MSDN downloads for Vista. I can get all manner of languages but not Vista Starter. Any idea where I can get a copy from?
Failing that, I might try LinuxLand.
384Mb RAM, 800MHz processor, 800x600 screen
I've got loads of machines that fit that spec but they won't even run W7 starter. Apparently it is for the non-technologically advanced nations. I wonder if those of us who get "hand-me-down" machines fit in that category.
I have an MSDN subscription but it isn't in the MSDN downloads for Vista. I can get all manner of languages but not Vista Starter. Any idea where I can get a copy from?
Failing that, I might try LinuxLand.