Please help me
I would like to test new version BrightStor for my tasks (ORACLE and Sybase) backup. On r11.5 (Build 3884) I have problem - on the end of backup job it's reboot my DB server.
Where can I get SP3 for BrightStor 11.5
And another question - can I connect as sys through BASE ORACLE AGENT (not rman) to my database. I have error 28009 - ORA-28009: connection to sys should be as sysdba or sysoper
I would like to test new version BrightStor for my tasks (ORACLE and Sybase) backup. On r11.5 (Build 3884) I have problem - on the end of backup job it's reboot my DB server.
Where can I get SP3 for BrightStor 11.5
And another question - can I connect as sys through BASE ORACLE AGENT (not rman) to my database. I have error 28009 - ORA-28009: connection to sys should be as sysdba or sysoper