Hi everybody,
I´m sure this is a question you have seen before but I haven't found any resource or url to get the package for ntp.
I have an ancient Ultra 10 Server with SunOS 5.5.1 (Solaris 2.5.1), and I want to use ntp to synchronize this server with an NTP Server (Stratum I).
I've read there is a package included in the Installation CDs called SUNWntpd which contains the ntp implementation for this OS. Unfourtunatelly, someone missed those CDs. So, I've tryied to find a place in the internet where I can download this package but I have not been lucky.
Does anybody knows where can I find a version of ntp suitable to work with this OS and this machine or where can I get this package?
I´m sure this is a question you have seen before but I haven't found any resource or url to get the package for ntp.
I have an ancient Ultra 10 Server with SunOS 5.5.1 (Solaris 2.5.1), and I want to use ntp to synchronize this server with an NTP Server (Stratum I).
I've read there is a package included in the Installation CDs called SUNWntpd which contains the ntp implementation for this OS. Unfourtunatelly, someone missed those CDs. So, I've tryied to find a place in the internet where I can download this package but I have not been lucky.
Does anybody knows where can I find a version of ntp suitable to work with this OS and this machine or where can I get this package?