I would like to add a few custom templates to my delegwiz.inf, however I am having trouble finding enough information.
I have already read article 308404 "How to customize the task list in Delegation Wizard". If that is the best there is then we are lost.
It does not explain where to locate all the possible object types. It somewhat explains how to customize, but can anyone help me find the list of the "SCOPE" identifiers or object types?
In Q308404 is the example:
Description = "Create, delete, and manage inetorgperson accounts"
ObjectTypes = SCOPE, inetorgperson
I want to find the correct identifiers for the .SCOPE description for user and computer account management. Like Disable this user, Unlock this user, Force user to change password, etc.
Where is the complete list, or where are they defined in AD?
I have already read article 308404 "How to customize the task list in Delegation Wizard". If that is the best there is then we are lost.
It does not explain where to locate all the possible object types. It somewhat explains how to customize, but can anyone help me find the list of the "SCOPE" identifiers or object types?
In Q308404 is the example:
Description = "Create, delete, and manage inetorgperson accounts"
ObjectTypes = SCOPE, inetorgperson
I want to find the correct identifiers for the .SCOPE description for user and computer account management. Like Disable this user, Unlock this user, Force user to change password, etc.
Where is the complete list, or where are they defined in AD?