Hi, just tried submitting this thread but does not seem to have worked, apologise if it is duplicated!
After reading through a considerable number of postings I can still not manage to get the records on my form to update!
When clicking on a listbox record the related information is shown on a form. When i update the records the changes are not updating.
The form is set to dynaset.
Can anyone help please! My code is:
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim RSRef As DAO.Recordset
Set RSRef = db.OpenRecordset("select * from tblPortfolio where Ref_No like '*" & lstResults.Value & "*'")
Txt1.Value = RSRef!Portfolio_no
txt2.Value = RSRef!Portfolio_Eligble_Comment
After reading through a considerable number of postings I can still not manage to get the records on my form to update!
When clicking on a listbox record the related information is shown on a form. When i update the records the changes are not updating.
The form is set to dynaset.
Can anyone help please! My code is:
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim RSRef As DAO.Recordset
Set RSRef = db.OpenRecordset("select * from tblPortfolio where Ref_No like '*" & lstResults.Value & "*'")
Txt1.Value = RSRef!Portfolio_no
txt2.Value = RSRef!Portfolio_Eligble_Comment