Is it possible to load/redirect to a certain webpage when you leave a website??
I got this website and would like to make a small survey, to appear when you leave it - no matter what page people are on. Just for a week or so, so that it doesn't get too annoying.
So: people arrive to my site, click around, and either close the window or click back to google or whatever - and then:
- either popup the survey in a new window (if possible a window that wont be caught by those popup filters)
- or load this survey somehow in the same window?
Is any of this possible??
I got this website and would like to make a small survey, to appear when you leave it - no matter what page people are on. Just for a week or so, so that it doesn't get too annoying.
So: people arrive to my site, click around, and either close the window or click back to google or whatever - and then:
- either popup the survey in a new window (if possible a window that wont be caught by those popup filters)
- or load this survey somehow in the same window?
Is any of this possible??