When I load this command I get the error at the bottom.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $intFolders = 10
$i = 1
New-Variable -Name strPrefix -Value "testFolder" -Option constant
do {
if ($i -lt 10)
New-Item -Path C:\mytempFolder -Name $strPrefix$intPad$i -Type directory}
I get this error message when I load this command above. please help I ma really new to all this
Missing statement block after 'else' keyword.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError:
) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingStatementBlockAfterElse
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $intFolders = 10
$i = 1
New-Variable -Name strPrefix -Value "testFolder" -Option constant
do {
if ($i -lt 10)
New-Item -Path C:\mytempFolder -Name $strPrefix$intPad$i -Type directory}
I get this error message when I load this command above. please help I ma really new to all this
Missing statement block after 'else' keyword.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError:
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingStatementBlockAfterElse