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When changing color of mainform another form opens :(

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Technical User
May 9, 2005

In my App it is possible for the user to change the entire color of the App. The strange thing is when they choose a color another form opens.

Private Sub mnuYellow_Click()
   Call modColor.Yellow
   lblColor.Caption = 1  'I need this for the other forms.
                         'When they open they get the same 
                         'skin as the mainForm
End sub[\code]
[code]Private Sub lblColor_Change()
   If frm2.Enabeld = True Then 
      frm2.lblColor.Caption = frmMain.lblColor.Caption
   End If

   If frm3.Enabeld = True Then
      frm3.lblColor.Caption = frmMain.lblColor.Caption
   End If
End Sub[\code]
The strange thing is when I click the "Yellow" frm2 seems to get loaded, but dus not appear, but frm3 opens. But with the correct color.

Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?
It could be that checking the enabled property causes the form to load. You could check to see if the form is loaded before setting the color by examining the forms.

   If frm3.Enabeld = True Then
      frm3.lblColor.Caption = frmMain.lblColor.Caption
   End If


Dim frmTemp as Form

For Each frmTemp in Forms
  If frmTemp.Name = "frm3" then
    frmTemp.lblColor.Caption = frmMain.lblColor.Caption
  End If


Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. - Fortune cookie wisdom
gmmastros is right. Enabling the form causes the activate event to fire and i think also the load.
Thanks for the replies.

Private Sub lblColor_Change()
Dim frmTemp As Form

    For Each frmTemp In Forms   ' The name of the MainForm
                                ' = frmZoeken
        'frmGemeente is name of the 2nd Form
        If frmTemp.Name = "frmGemeente" Then
            frmTemp.lblColor.Caption = frmZoeken.lblColor.Caption
        End If

    For Each frmTemp In Forms
        'frmCollega is name of the 3rd Form
        If frmTemp.Name = "frmCollega" Then
            frmTemp.lblColor.Caption = frmZoeken.lblColor.Caption
        End If
End Sub
The label on either of the forms don't get the value of the mainForm (frmZoeken). Now nothing gets executed, cause of the lblColor.Caption doesn't get a value.
It could be a typo, or a case sensitive issue. Try adding the following lines of code.

For Each frmTemp In Forms
Debug.Print frmTemp.Name

Make sure you set a break point and then step through the code. The name of each form should appear in the debug window.

Hope this helps.


Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. - Fortune cookie wisdom
I suspect that problem lies with the way that you are referencing frmZoeken.

as a test try
            frmTemp.lblColor.Caption = vbRed
instead of
            frmTemp.lblColor.Caption = frmZoeken.lblColor.Caption
I reckon that by referenceing frmZoeken you are creating another instance of it.

new project add 2 forms (form1 and form2) put a button on form1 and past the code below in to it
dim f as form2

set f = new form2

f.caption = "My Caption"

debug.print f.caption
debug.print form2.caption

Take Care

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Thank you both...
The Debug saiz: frmTemp=frmzoeken.. further nothing.

I waill check it out later. Thanks till so far.
My understanding of when form events are fired:

Init: first time form is referenced in the app. The statement "set myForm = New Form1" will cause Form1's init event to be fired, and only the init event.

Load: Only if not already loaded. 1. when referencing a property or calling a method. 2. When executing Load statement. 3. On form.show method, if form is not previously loaded via 1 or 2 above.

Activate: Only when a procedure ends with a form being shown, when no forms were shown prior to executing the procedure. N. B.: Activate is NOT called when switching focus from one form to another.

Deactivate: whenever focus leaves a form.

Unload: when a form is unloaded. This can happen either by specifically unloading a form, or if a form is loaded via a variable, setting that variable to nothing will also unload the form.

Terminate: when an application ends, all loaded forms are terminated. Also when a variable referencing a not otherwise loaded form is set to nothing, its form is terminated.

This probably isn't perfect. If you're interested, just put a msgbox in each event you want to know about and play around with different ways of referencing a form.


In my version (VB6) the Form Activate event is fired every time that the form gets focus from within the app, but not when it gets focus from another app.
Similarly Deactivate is only fired when the form loses focus to another form in the same app, not when another app gets focus.

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That's interesting, John. I always thought that it did the same, but those are the results I got from marking all of the events with a msgbox and doing various load and show commands and whatnot. I'm using VB6 here too (working on a short term contract). I'll try it again at home.

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